On 04/03/2023 07:24, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal wrote:
Here’s the build command I used and it builds the compiler up to step #2 but then 
when it copies the compiler to compiler/ppca64 things fall apart. I noticed the 
following command "make distclean” stalled out at some point so I tried to run 
the compiler at compiler/ppca64 and it just stalls out, spinning the CPU at 100% in 
an infinite loop and never prints the normal FPC header.

You can add "-Xs- -gw -Xg" to OPT to prevent symbol stripping and add debug info, and then when it's stuck either attach a debugger or run "sample ppcx64"

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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