Hi, Pearl:

It's more likely a corrupt file than a memory issue.

Have you tried the "open heroic" method? In FM, tap and rekease these keys in sequence:

lowercase o
uppercase H

Then select the file in the Open dialog box. If it opens successfully, save it immediately to a new name.

At 9:29 AM -0500 12/8/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Framers,

FM 7.0p578
Windows XP Professional
512 MB RAM

I hope somebody can help me open this file. When I try to open
it, FM tells me I do not have enough memory. The file is a
little under 2.7 MB, and there are larger FM files in the book that FM
does open. I've tried closing everything and rebooting and then
opening only that file, but I get the same message.



Peter Gold

KnowHow ProServices



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