Hi, Fred...never said it didn't. After all, it is a paragraph tag, so
it must be a paragraph. However, in my case, my achored from is
designated as "at insertion point" and I shrinkwrap all my graphics
(esc m p). To me, it doesn't matter that it is a paragraph attribute
as the graphic is the only thing in the paragraph. 

--- "Ridder, Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry, John. If it's a paragraph tag, it gets applied to the 
> paragraph that holds the frame anchor rather than the 
> anchored frame itself. 
> Consider the case where you have several frame anchors 
> in the same paragraph (perfectly valid, but not good practice). 

As you said, it isn't good practice.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"Bigamy is having one wife 
 too many. Monogamy is the same."
     --Oscar Wilde

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