On TOC reference page of the Table of Contents document, you can add the
<$paranum> or <$paranumonly> building blocks to the xxxTOC paragraphs
(e.g., Head1TOC) to extract the number of the specific item.

For example, you might have the Head1TOC paragraph as:  <$paranum>\
(where "\ " is a non-breaking space and "\T" is a tab character)

You won't see any change until you regenerate the TOC, but then the
number as shown in the individual file will be pulled into the TOC for

On Wednesday, January 25, 2006 09:02 AM, Murray Moore wrote:
| I have created a paragraph numbering tag for each type of 
| heading in my chapter ToC, e.g. toc12 is <$chapnum>.<n=0>.
| I have created a paragraph numbering tag for each type of 
| chapter text heading, e.g. Head1 is S:Section <$chapnum>.<n=0> \t
| I have added the number manually to each heading in my 
| chapter ToC, and to each heading in the chapter.
| Now what do I do to see each number preceding its heading in 
| my book's ToC?
| FM 6.0
| /\/\
| Murray
| Mississauga

- Lester 
Lester C. Smalley              Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712
Yorklyn, DE  19736               Web: www.infocon.com   

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