Two obvious things to check:

1) Is each chapter in its own file? The $chapnum system
variable only increments on file boundaries.

2) In the book file, have you set the Chapter tab of the
Numbering Properties dialog to "Continue numbering from
previous chapter in book"?

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel
Fred Ridder
Parsippany, NJ

From: "Gillian Flato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: LOF not updating properly
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:06:08 -0800

In my chapters, the LOF reads the <$chapnum> variable properly so my
figures are properly numbered Figure 1-1...4-6 etc. But when I run my
LOF, the figure number properly updates but the <$chapnum> does not so
my LOF has Figure 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-1 (which should be 3-1) etc.

Any ideas?


Gillian Flato

Technical Writer (Software)

NANOmetrics, Inc.

1550 Buckeye Dr.

Milpitas, CA. 95035

(408.435.9600 x 316

7  408.232.5911


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