--- Kevin Rusnak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to successfully pull in XML into a structured
> document. I am not
> interested in much else then seeing it work; and
> then making the process
> more sophisticated after seeing it done.
To pull existing XML instances into a structured
FrameMaker document, the XML instances you intend to
"pull in" must conform to a DTD, or, if the XML
instances are coming out of a database, those
instances must conform to the database schema, or they
must conform to the schema defined by a database query
you are issuing for the purpose of retrieving a
particular set of "fields" from the database. 

It sounds like you are doing the latter, where Company
Name, Account Rep, and Creation Date are the fields
specified in the query, and each such field contains a
value (or a null value if a field is not required to
have a value). I further infer that the EDD structure
should be as follows:

Element (Container) CustomerGroup
Valid as the highest-level element
General rule: <TEXT>?, Company Name+
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Category

Comment: This element precedes the first company name
in a category of customers, or, as a minimum, it must
be the first element in the XML instance. The <TEXT>
(if any) describes the name of the category.

Element (Container) CompanyName
General rule: (<TEXT>, AccountRep?, CreationDate?)
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Company Name

Comment: The CompanyName element is the parent of the
(optional) AccountRep and CreationDate elements.

Element (Container) AccountRep
General rule: <TEXT>
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Account Rep

Element (Container) CreationDate
General rule: <TEXT
Test Format Rules
  Element paragraph format: Creation Date

If, as I suspect, the data you are processing is
produced by a database query, then you don't need to
create a DTD from the EDD.
> So far I have a really basic 3 line Frame template
> that I built in the
> Structured authoring environment.
> 1. Company Name
> 2. Account Rep
> 3. Creation Date
You may have created those lines in a template created
in the structured environment, but unless that
template has had an EDD imported into it, it is not a
structured template.
> What I am supposed to do next? There are books that
> explain DTDs and
> EDDs and elements and such. I realize the importance
> of these documents.
> I am just not sure how to proceed next. This is my
> guess. I need to look
> at my "structure" and hand code a DTD. I am guessing
> that this document
> will then allow me to add elements to my document
> via the Element
> catalogue.
> The whole process reminds me a lot of adding
> cascading style sheets to
> web pages on Dreamweaver...the one big difference is
> I can create the
> style sheets in Dreamweaver. I am still not seeing a
> way to create the
> EDD/DTD in Framemaker...without having a structure
> in place.
> I assume this is the most basic of questions and
> while many of the
> resources that I have looked through elaborately
> explain what each of
> these items is, I have found very few resources that
> will explain how to
> tie them all together as a newbie. I have begun
> looking through your
> archives but thought that I would post the question
> hoping for a brief
> explanation of how to proceed with my experiment.
> I would really appreciate any finger pointing or
> explanation that anyone
> has time for.
> Thanks in advance.
> As a side note. I love this software and I love the
> idea of what I am
> going to eventually do with it.
> ________________________________

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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