At 14:00 +1200 22/6/06, rebecca officer wrote:

>I'm sorting a table and want to end up with the following order:
>Instead, it gives me:
>Can I change that? If not, I'd appreciate other ideas for achieving what I'm 
>after. The numbers are compulsory, but the letter E is arbitrary. I tried 
>making it a comma instead but the sorting just seemed to ignore that.

I don't know if you can change the sort order in FrameMaker's guts, but if you 
have the option of using it, here's a hack that gets the sort to partially 
work: make the letters conditional, and sort entire table with them turned off. 
This groups all the numerics together - i.e. the major sort works - but you 
then have to re-display the conditional letters and do the minor sort(s) 

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