This is a decent idea, but it has pitfalls.

I could explain the reasons why, but they are very technical.

You will find, though, that if you're not careful when you modify the
dialog box with ResHacker, you'll lose some of the UI. ResHacker assumes
that the UI is static, so that the dialog box displays only what you see
in the DLL. However, dialog boxes can contain controls that are set up
as the program runs. You could re-size the dialog box or controls in
ResHacker and then find that you've unintentionally hidden another part
of the UI that you didn't see.

I discovered this the hard way, and therefore gave up on ResHacker.

If you just change fonts, you should be OK; just don't change the size
of anything.

I have no idea why FM engineers haven't changed the index marker dialog
or the font size. I think it has to be no more than a 10-minute job.


Joe Malin
Technical Writer
The views expressed in this document are those of the sender, and do not
necessarily reflect those of TuVox, Inc.        

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Stuart Rogers
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 1:30 PM
To: Murray Moore
Subject: tiny marker window (WAS: SOLVED Index Problems)

Murray Moore wrote:

> To make these entries easier for me to read and edit in the tiny
> index marker window

I too strongly encourage you to get IXGen or another indexing tool. But 
if that is not possible, you can save your eyesight by getting hold of 
ResHacker.exe at
and using it to modify the characteristics of the marker dialog boxes.
The file you want to modify (after backing it up!!) is fmdlg.dll in your

installation\fminit folder. Look for EDIT_MARKERS and INS_MARKER and 
change the font size to something comfortable (I use 10 instead of the 
default 8). If you have Show Dialog selected, it's easy to drag the 
borders of the dialog box and its various components to a larger size as



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