> First time generating an index with FM.
> First of all: how do you get the index to show all the 
> pages that contain a specific marked word? Example: I've 
> marked the word DIP switch on page 5 and the word also 
> appears on pages 20, 26, and 30. When I generate the
> index, it only shows page number 5. Do you have to go 
> through the entire document and mark the same words over 
> and over again? That would seem illogical.

Yes, you do and it isn't illogical. Picture this. You have a term on
page 3 that you do want to index. However, it also appears 347 more
times in the document that are incidental. Do you want 348 instances
showing up in the index? 

In a case right now, I'm writing a document that uses the term "ISC
Adapter". I want to index specific instances, maybe what appears on
page 3, 7, and 45. However, it appears MANY more times (47 times). Do
I want every instance indexed? Do I want a reader to have to look
through 47 instances to find the three that are signigicant?

What I want to do is, on page 3, enter ISC Adapter:Definition, on
page 7, ISC Adapter:Compatability, and on page 45, ISC
Adapter:Uninstalation. When I generate, I get:

ISC Adapter
  Definition, 3
  Compatability, 7
  Uninstalation, 45

Only by addressing them individual do you have the opportunity to
eter the appropriate subheading.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never 
actually known what the question is."

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