Thanks for your response.

I found some information about where to find missing fonts, but it would have been very time consuming to go though the whole list of possibilities. See

So after searching for the font that Frame used as a replacement and not finding it, I figured it couldn't hurt to turn off "Remember Missing Fonts" temporarily.

Shmuel Wolfson

Art Campbell wrote:
This should be all over the 'net, because it's a FAQ, but:

If you don't care about the fonts, under FM Preferences, turn off
"Remember Missing Fonts," open all the files, and save all the files.
Update and save again.

If you do care about the fonts, look on the master and reference pages
for objects that may contain the missing font. Don't overlook fonts
used in graphics. If that doesn't help, save the file(s) as MIF and
open each one with an ASCII editor. Search for the text string that
describes the font and replace it with a known-good font. Be very
careful not to modify  anything else in the file.


On 4/17/07, Shmuel Wolfson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a FM file that uses unavailable fonts. The FM message is:

The "CenturySchoolbook,Italic Italic" Font is not available.
  "Times New Roman Italic" will be used in this session.

There is not Times New Roman Italic in the font list, so I searched for
the "Times New Roman" font and replaced it with another font.
Unfortunately, I still get the same message. Any ideas? It won't let me
update the book this way.

Shmuel Wolfson



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