Unless I am misreading the table (entirely possible, given the
reformatting that this list forces), it appears that you do not have
anything that is being mapped to the Para[CR] or List[CR] elements.

And you say that the structure of a CR should be a Title, followed by a
description.  So that's how it should be described in the conversion

Do you have different tags for the paragraphs of a introduction, CR
description?  This would allow you to specify these in the conversion
table separately (e.g. P:Intro maps to Para[Intro] and P:Body maps to
Para[CR]) and then you can include the specific qualified para elements
in different contexts as appropriate:

P:Intro                             Para                           Intro

P:Body                              Para                           CR

Para[CR]+, List[CR]?                Description 

Title[CR], Description              CR[Type="Known Issue"]         CR

 (Para[Intro]* | List* | CR*)*      SubSection  

As an aside, you can simplify the conversion table by omitting the E:
identifiers as Frame assumes items in the conversion table are elements
unless explicitly qualified otherwise.  I also reorganize the conversion
table to begin with the simplest elements (e.g., character formats or
paragraph formats that become unique elements) and then the next level
of wrapping, then the next, ....

On  Wednesday, May 23, 2007 01:11 PM, Lin Surasky wrote:

| Hi all-
| I've decided to dive into Structured FM and see if I can make 
| these Release Notes easier to manage. Since we don't yet have 
| a need for markup, I'm starting with just the EDD so at least 
| we'll have some of the benefits of a structured environment 
| in place before we get other departments involved (if that 
| ever happens). 
| I have a basic EDD written, and am working on the conversion 
| table so I can move the little content that I already have 
| into the structured environment for the next release. 
| Here's a basic rundown of the document structure:
| The Release Notes book contains a cover/copyright info file, 
| TOC, and 4-5 chapters. (I'm not even going to worry about the 
| non-chapter files at this point...)
| Each chapter is a numbered Section.
| Each Section consists of a section number (SNumber), title 
| (STitle), an introductory paragraph (Para), and one or more 
| SubSections.
| Each SubSection consists of a Title, a bulleted list of CRs, 
| and the CR descriptions. 
| Each ListItem is a cross-reference to the CR, which is in the 
| same SubSection.
| Each CR consists of a Title and a Description.
| The Description for the CR is defined as one or more 
| paragraphs (Para+) and zero or more lists (List?).
| Most of this works fine, although I haven't tested the 
| cross-references yet. That'll be another email....
| For now, the question is, what's wrong with my conversion 
| table that I can't get the Description element to be wrapped 
| properly around the paragraphs and lists that follow a CR Title? 
| If I specify E:Para as the object(s) to be wrapped in the 
| Description element, the intro paragraph that follows the 
| Section Title (STitle) is wrapped too. Which it shouldn't be. 
| Only paragraphs (and lists) that fall under the CR Title 
| (Title[CR], as opposed to Title[SubSection] or STitle) should 
| be wrapped in the Description element.
| Here's the relevant snippet from the conversion table (I hope 
| it's readable...):
| Wrap this object or objects   In this element       With this 
| qualifier
| RE:RootElement                Book    
| E:SNumber, E:STitle, E:Para, 
|   E:List*, E:SubSection*      Section 
| P:0 SectionNumber             SNumber 
| P:0 ChapterTitle              Stitle                Section
| E:Title[SubSection], 
|   (E:Para* | E:List* | CR*)*  SubSection      
| P:B Body Text                 Para    
| P:1 Heading 1                 Title                 SubSection
| P:2 Heading 2               Title                     CR
| E:Title[CR], 
|   (E:Para*, E:List?)          CR[Type="Known Issue"] CR
| E:Para[CR]+, E:List[CR]?      Description     
| I hope this is clear enough. My mind is reeling! (And I'm 
| sure the solution is much simpler than the question...)
| Thanks for any and all advice!
| Lin

- Lester 
Lester C. Smalley              Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com       
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712    
Yorklyn, DE  19736               Web: www.infocon.com   

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