At 11:12 -0500 31/5/07, Lin Surasky wrote:
> > Stick to the base
>> character set, alphanumerics, no spaces, for your element names.
>Are hyphens okay? All my element names are alpha only, no spaces, but
>two have hyphens in them...

Not sure: check with the XML spec at the W3C site. It might be your problem.

>I'm also going to try your suggestion of conditionalizing element defs
>for use in the DTD. However, that doesn't ease my mind completely, as my
>FM-generated DTD still had an error in it, even though it was saved from
>a single-element EDD.
>The EDD only defines the Structured Application and a single element:
>EDD Version is 7.0
>Structured Application: RetalixRN
>Element (Container): Element
>   General rule: <ANY>
>That's it.
>The DTD is saved without error, which is a little better than
>what I'm getting with my working EDD, but the DTD is still invalid
>according to FM.
>Here is the text of the resulting DTD:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><!--DTD for Element. Typically invoked by
>      <!DOCTYPE  Element  SYSTEM
>    "C:\testsrc\docs_group\InSync\ReleaseNotes\RN.dtd">
><!ELEMENT Element    ANY >

Well, what did you expect? This looks to me like a valid DTD, although neither 
your EDD nor your DTD are exactly exciting.

Here are the first few declarations from an EDD and the corresponsing DTD of 


Element (Container): Book
Valid as the highest-level element.
General rule:   HalfTitle, FullTitle, (ListofFigures | ListofPrograms | 
ListofTables | Preface | PartDivider | Chapter | Index)+

Element (Container): HalfTitle
General rule:   HalfTitleBanner
Valid as the highest-level element.
Automatic insertions
Automatically insert child:     HalfTitleBanner

Element (Container): FullTitle
Valid as the highest-level element.
General rule:   Authors, Imprint, AuthorImprint, Credit+, Forematter+
Automatic insertions
Automatically insert child:     Authors

Element (Container): Chapter
General rule:   ChapterNumber, Title, LearningObjectives?, EditorsComment?,   
EditorsQuery?, EditorsCommentCleared?, EditorsQueryCleared?, 
SectionIntroduction?, Section*, Summary?, SectionReview?, SectionProgramming?, 
Valid as the highest-level element.
Attribute list
Name: Id        Unique ID       Optional
Control flags: Read-only
Name: Author    String  Required
Name: Language  Choice  Required
Choices:        English, Norwegian, Swedish, French, German, Danish, Spanish, 
Automatic insertions
Automatically insert child:     ChapterNumber
Text format rules
Element paragraph format: Body


<!ELEMENT Book       (HalfTitle, FullTitle, (ListofFigures |
                              ListofPrograms | ListofTables | Preface |
                              PartDivider | Chapter | Index)+) >

<!ELEMENT HalfTitle  (HalfTitleBanner) >

<!ELEMENT FullTitle  (Authors, Imprint, AuthorImprint, Credit+,
                              Forematter+) >

<!ELEMENT Chapter    (ChapterNumber, Title, LearningObjectives?,
                              EditorsComment?, EditorsQuery?,
                              EditorsCommentCleared?, EditorsQueryCleared?,
                              SectionIntroduction?, Section*, Summary?,
                              SectionReview?, SectionProgramming?,
                              SectionReferences?) >
<!ATTLIST Chapter    Id        ID        #IMPLIED
                     Author    CDATA     #REQUIRED
(English|Norwegian|Swedish|French|German|Danish|Spanish|Italian)  #REQUIRED >

Another thing I forgot to mention is that if you have any comments in your EDD, 
you need to conditionalize these out before generating a DTD.


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