>  So--while working in FrameMaker 7.0p579 (XP) I thought that 
> I was entering words into the Find field of the Find/Change 
> dialog, while trying to read something elsewhere. But my 
> fingers were hitting the wrong keys and when I looked up 
> there was a prompt box that said something like "6 changes 
> have been made this session." 
> My reflex to close the box was faster than my comprehension, 
> and I clicked OK, then the box was gone as I realized what I 
> had read. I didn't know that FrameMaker could produce an 
> on-screen count of changes per session--probably counting 
> applications of change bars. 

My guess is that your fingers triggered a "replace all" (bad fingers,
bad!), and the message was informing you of how many replacements were

My sympathies and best wishes for finding and undoing the changes. But
look on the bright side -- at least it didn't say "643 changes have been
made." :-)


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