Harro's solution works perfectly as long as your document
is set up with each chapter in one or more separate files.
(If you have chapters that are split across multiple files,
it's by far the best approach.)

But if you have more than one chapter in a file you cannot
use the $chapnum system variable because that variable
can only increment on file boundaries. If you need to use
files that contain more than one chapter, you'll need to
use paragraph numbering counters for *all* of the
elements in the numbering scheme. For example:

H:<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>

Heading 1
H:<n>.<n+>< =0>< =0>

Heading 2:
H:<n>.<n>.<n+>< =0>

Heading 3:

And in this approach, it's important to note that the
Chapter tab in the Numbering properties sheet has *no*
effect because that tab only controls the behavior of
the $chapnum variable. In this approach, the Paragraph
numbering tab controls all parts of the heading numbering
and must *not* be set to restart the numbering in
any chapter except the first one.

-Fred Ridder

From: "Harro de Jong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "framers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Auto Counters for Headings 1, 2, and 3
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 09:36:14 +0200

Susan Nishi wrote:

> I'm trying to set up auto counters in my document with the
> following H1,
> H2, and H3. Up until now, they've been manually coded. Chapter 1 uses
> the 1.1 series, Chapter 2 uses the 2.1 series so on.
> Is it possible to use one H1 or do I have to code the 2.1.,
> 3.1. series
> differently? The issue seems straightforward yet I can't make
> this work
> accordingly in Frame 7.2. I would really appreciate input and other
> people's experience on this.

That should be a piece of cake.

Use these autonumber formats:
H:<$chapnum>< =0>< =0>< =0>

Heading 1
H:<$chapnum>.<n+>< =0>< =0>

Heading 2:
H:<$chapnum>.<n>.<n+>< =0>

Heading 3:

Then, set up your book correctly: right-click a chapter, then select
Numbering. Use the Chapter tab to set up the chapter number ('continue
numbering from previous file'), and the Paragraph tab to set up the
section numbering within each chapter ('restart paragraph numbering').

Harro de Jong

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