I'm not sure I'm getting a clear picture of what the desired end result
looks like. Are you saing that each page has a 2-line header with one
line presenting the chapter title and the second line presentinf the
title of the top-level section heading?

When you split a chapter into multiple files, you need to do some
kludging to get running header/footers to work properly, but at least
FrameMaker lets you set up section numbering in a straightforward
way if you use $chapnum. There are several approaches you can take
to picking up a chapter title that in a separate file without typing it
directly into the header. The most direct approach is to use a
cross-reference to the title of the chapter in the following headers,
but the disadvantage is that this x-ref becomes a hyperlink in a PDF
deliverable (not terrible, but a little strange). Or you can include an
"invisible" (small, white text) paragaph that contains an x-ref to the
chapter title in the body of the following files and include its tag in
the definition of the Running H/F variable you are using. Or you can
set the $volnum system variable (assuiming you're not using it already)
to the chapter title text string using the book-level numbering properties

But if I have misunderstood your description, none of these may be
relevant to your situation...

Fred Ridder

From: "Melissa Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], framers@lists.frameusers.com
Subject: need help with header information
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:54:24 -0700

I need some help with header information (Running H/Fs) in a FM 7.2 book
file. I have a document with quite a few chapters, some of which are what I
would consider "continued chapters" located in separate files.

For example, I have:
     File 1 -- Chapter 1
     File 2 -- Chapter 2
     File 3 -- Chapter 3
     File 4 -- Chapter 3.1 (still in chapter 3)
     File 5 -- Chapter 3.2 (still in chapter 3)
     File 6 -- Chapter 3.3 (still in chapter 3)
     File 18 -- Chapter 3.15
     File 19 -- Chapter 4
Chapters 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 must remain separate from Chapter 3.

The headers in my regular (unseparated files) are using automated Running
H/Fs, defined as:  <$paratext[0 Heading, 0 Heading Preface, Features, 0
Heading Appendix, zGeneratedListTitle]>.  The headers in Files 4, 5, and 6
are using manually typed in text (not Running H/Fs) that reference the
chapter title from Chapter 3.  When manually added, the top header works

It's the sub header (located below top header) that is not working right due
to the separated files.  The sub header in my regular (unseparated files)
are using automated Running H/Fs, defined as:  <$paratext[1 Heading, 1
Heading Appendix, 1 Heading Preface, Features Heading]>.  I would like a
similar heading in the separated files (Files 4, 5, and 6).  Is there any
way to achieve this without manually typing the 1 Heading level into each
separated file? (Note that the 1 Heading level may not exist in every file.)

(Btw, I'm also open to using Running H/Fs in on the headers in Files 4, 5,
and 6 if someone knows of a good way to do this too.)

I'd appreciate any help that can be provided.


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