I neither inferred nor implied that you say TWs have no place at any  point in 
a project. You did, however, clearly state that in response to  comments about 
involvement of TW or doc mgr early in the product  development, "At that stage, 
TWs have no place, whether department  managers, full partner 
participant-stakeholders, or something else." 
  Your assumption is that if a TW is involved, it is for the purpose of  
creating a document. While it is often true that creating documents  early in 
product development simply creates files to obsolete/trash due  to sidelined 
ideas, you are completely missing the intent. The  involvement of TW/doc mgr 
early on is not initially for writing the doc  as muc as it is for user 
advocacy, sanity checks of UIS or other specs  from a user-driven perspective, 
as well as getting buy-in and resource  allocation far enough in advance that 
creating a remotely usable  document is at all feasible. The later the TW is 
inserted into the  process, the harder it is to create anything better than 
basic  functionally-driven documents. Several others have echoed this same  
point, and it is well-documented. It's not just a one or three personal  
experience basis. There are a lot more use cases out there - a survey  of books 
from leaders in our industry like Hackos and others clearly  reveals
 this. Look also at the breadth of comments in response from  other listers 
here, too.
  FWIW, *all* of the companies where I worked and where TWs were involved  
early on in the product life cycle, Agile is the software used for  managing 
product development. Having a doc listed by part number on the  BOM of a 
product (and in the case of Help, as a part number for the  software build 
list) ensured earlier integration of TWs and ultimately  produced higher 
quality documents. Use of Agile and early involvement  of TW resources are not 
mutually exclusive. Now, whether some companies  using Agile as the governance 
of product life cycle choose to use that  as an *excuse* NOT to include TWs 
until late in the game may be your  personal experience, but that does not 
necessarily mean it's the way of  the future, or that Agile implementation 
would be causal to the effect  of late involvement of writers. Bringing in a 
"hired gun" writer late  in the project as almost an afterthought is a trend, 
yes, but it has a  lot more to do with the bottom line (dollars, pounds,
 euros, yens,  etc.) than it does with whether the company uses Agile. If there 
aren't  multiple products with ongoing development and overlapping product life 
 cycles, it's simply cheaper to pay a contractor twice as much for a  couple of 
months than keep writers on staff longterm in some industries  and/or R&D 
environments, depending on the company dynamics, market  forces, and product 
life cycles.
  Rene Stephenson

Technical Writer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px; 
 padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    
I did not categorically state that TWs have no place at any point in a  
project. To so state is misleading, and implies that I said TWs are  useless. I 
said that in an ambiguous, undefined software project  (which many, including 
multi-million dollar, tend to be), it is  pointless to create documentation of 
an application that may--and  probably will--change at the next iteration.
 The fault  is not with TWs; the fault is with agile developers who cater to 
the  egos of senior management, charging dearly to maintain the illusion  that 
management can have whatever toy they happen to think of, at  anytime in the 
development process. Because that type of development is  becoming more and 
more mainstream, it seriously affects TWs. 
  From the standpoint of an agile developer, "it all pays the same." What  is 
presented as "control" and "involvement" to management is a ploy to  curry 
favor and extend the development period. It is immensely  profitable, and 
management, in general, seems to believe the almost  obsequious demeanor of 
agile developers preferable to the old-style  "you can't have this even if you 
are the CEO, because it was not filed  in triplicate as an initial requirement."
 Ultimately,  the situation is a response to the "developer as hostage holder"  
mentality that considered management as only useful to pay the bills.  
Management wants (at least the illusion of) control, and agile  developers have 
learned to play to that weakness. In so doing, they are  diminishing the role 
of TWs. Pretty simple stuff, not particularly my  opinion, nor representative 
of one or three cases of personal  involvement in projects. Like it or not, it 
is the future.

Specializing in the Design, Development, and Production of:
Technical Documentation - Online Content - Enterprise Websites

  Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 19:46:00 -0700
Subject: RE: radical revamping of techpubs
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; framers@lists.frameusers.com

  TW  dept managers or directors in particular do have a place in  
developmental stages. They provide user advocacy in the initial stages,  when 
the development is most nebulous, providing direction and focus  toward the 
common goal of the team: happy customers who like the  product and want to buy 
more. From the TW perspective, the TW mgr/dir  gathers info about headcount 
impact, resource allocation dynamics,  etc.  
  You simply cannot  categorically state that TWs have no place at any point in 
a project,  because there are too many successful use cases that prove to the  
contrary, at least 3 of my previous gigs being examples thereof.   It depends 
on the pace of development and the length of the  product life cycle, among 
other things. The faster the products develop  and the shorter the product life 
cycle is, the more critical it is to  have TW integration at the earliest phase.
  Creating  user assistance is indeed a necessary task, but it is only one of 
many  that TWs perform. User advocacy — getting the user expectations back up  
the chain into the ears of those who can impact what the users end up  getting 
— is at least as important as the more common task of user  assistance. If all 
the user needs is assistance, they'll just ring off  the hook with tech support 
or customer service. User advocacy ensures  higher quality products that lower 
call volume to tech support and  customer service. Writing good, usable Help in 
terms that the user  understands is another way to drop the call volume. But, 
rely on either  without the other and you don't reap the maximum benefit of  TW 
  Rene Stephenson

Technical Writer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That  is a very big if. A full partner participant-stakeholder, or more  likely 
the department manager? It is more likely that the software  developers, 
business analysts, and the project manager are  collaborating to get a decent 
set of requirements down. At that stage,  TWs have no place, whether department 
managers, full partner  participant-stakeholders, or something else.

When the  requirements are determined, and possibly after several iterations,  
possibly after a prototype is up and running, TWs might be brought in.  Even at 
that stage, it is early, because the GUI crew may not have the  interface 
coded, the developers might not have the functionality carved  in stone, and 
everything is still uncertain (in regards to exactly what  the final product 
will be and do).

TWs complete a very necessary  task; creating user assistance. Until the final 
iteration, until all  the requirements have been met, until there is little or 
no possibility  of changes to the end product, there is little point in 
generating  documentation that might become obsolete at the next iteration.

http://www.tekwrytrs.com/Specializing  in the Design, Development, and 
Production of:Technical Documentation -  Online Content - Enterprise Websites

Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007  08:26:46 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: radical 
revamping  of techpubsTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: framers@lists.frameusers.com

Actually,  I disagee, if the TW is a full partner participant - stakeholder, or 
 more likely the department manager in the scenario you are discussing,  they 
should also participate early on to get the sense of the  uncertainty and what 
those issues are, at the very least these issues  are going to affect their 
scheduling and the expectations they have to  deal with.
----- Original Message ----From: Technical Writer To:  Leslie Schwartz ; [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Monday, October 29,  2007 8:44:16 AMSubject: RE: radical revamping 
of techpubs

I  agree wholeheartedly. That is not the issue. The issue goes back to the  BA 
interpretation of (and translation of) the software requirements. If  there is 
a high level of certainty on the client side about what the  finished product 
should be, TWs should start early. If not, and it is  essentially a fishing 
expedition with ambiguous outcome, TWs are only  useful at the last. 
Unfortunately, the "agile" methodologies strongly  sell the sense of control to 
executives, pushing the idea that they can  develop on the fly, adding and 
removing "requirements" as the  executives see fit. 
http://www.tekwrytrs.com/Specializing in the  Design, Development, and 
Production of:Technical Documentation - Online  Content - Enterprise Websites> 
framers@lists.frameusers.com> Subject: RE: radical revamping of  techpubs> 
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 19:04:10 -0500> > I belong to  several message - 
interest groups and I am
 used to hearing people give  their opinions in a bombastic manner. So its no> 
big deal to see  that happening here. But if this discussion is to have any 
real value  it will be to share our perspectives with> others and learn  
something about points of view's entirely different than our own, which  
requires some tolerance and mutual respect.> > > My view and  experience is 
that it definitely helps to get the TW involved early on,  but it’s a waste of 
time for them to sit all the> way through each  meeting, and for the entire 
duration of each meeting.> >  Marketing requirements documents and engineering 
specification  documents, if they are adequately written will help the TW  
formulate> the user documentation at a fairly early stage, but the  bulk of the 
documentation effort comes towards the end of the  development> cycle. And 
ideally the writer of the user guide if that  is they type of documentation we 
are discussing now, should be a>  knowledgeable user with some fresh
 insights into the learning curve the  novice user will face, and some empathy 
for that new user.> >  Ignoring the need for documentation, putting it off 
until the last  moment is a formula for poor quality documentation.> > - In my  
humble opinion.> > Have a great work week!> > Leslie>  > > -----Original 
Message-----> From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On> Behalf 
Of Technical Writer> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007  5:47 PM> To: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED];  framers@lists.frameusers.com> Subject: RE: radical revamping of  
techpubs> > > Well, a difference of opinion is what makes a  horse race. 
Iterative software methods do not require iterative  documentation methods;> in 
most cases, documentation before the last  iteration is considered both 
wasteful and useless. While I have a great  deal of respect> for Steve 
McConnell, proposing early draft user  guides as a replacement for
 requirement specs is a bit off the road.  > > If you develop software, and 
intend to use early draft user  guides instead of requirements, you are going 
to be greeting the  folks> at Wal-Mart rather than trying to pull back a 
contract or two  from Bangalore. The statement is at odds with most developers' 
(and>  most business analysts') understanding of "requirements." Putting an  
occasional "agile" into a sentence doesn't make the process any>  more 
reasonable. > > I didn't invent the idea of ignoring  documentation until the 
final product is ready (or almost ready) to  ship. Far more intelligent,> 
competent, and capable people than me  have decided that "involving TWs from 
the early stages of development"  is only useful when the> end product is 
carved in stone before the  first line of code is written. That, for better of 
worse, is rarely the  case.> > Lastly, given that about a third of all software 
 projects, agile or otherwise, fail so badly they are abandoned, if you
  ignore> documentation completely, you have a one in three chance of  coming 
out ahead when the project flops because you have at least  saved> the cost of 
documentation.>  http://www.tekwrytrs.com/Specializing in the Design, 
Development, and  Production of:Technical Documentation - Online Content -> 
Enterprise  Websites> > > Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 12:21:17 -0700From:  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: re: radical revamping of techpubsTo:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:> [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], but I  find the thread both:a) Off-topicb) Misleading. Iterative 
sofware  methods require iterative> documentation methods, but by no means do  
they eliminate the parallel need for early draft user manuals. In fact,  Steve 
McConnell> (Code Complete) proposes early draft user guides as  an agile 
replacement for requirements specs.Ben> Because the  application itself> is 
built in an iterative process, rather than  > being carved in stone, reacting 
to feedback from the client, 
 documentation > before> the last minute is pointless. The reason  should be 
obvious; the > application being documented in the early  stages bears little> 
resemblance > to the application delivered.  Ben Hechter Vancouver BC [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>  _________________________________________________________________> 
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