Mike Feimster suggested:
> This might do what you want. I've never tried it, but it looks
> interesting.
> > http://www.electropubs.com/ez_cleanimport3.html
Even  if this specific tool isn't the best solution for you, it may
be useful for you to take the same approach to the problem.
Instead of thinking in terms of tediously deleting unused and
unloved master pages from your existing content files, why not
turn the issue around and think in terms of importing your 
existing content into brand-new, clean template files that 
contain only the master pages and other formatting definitions
that you want to use going forward? It may take a little time 
and effort to design the clean template, but after that it 
should only take a few minutes to do the file import and save 
as operations to create clean versions of a whole bookful of
component files. 
-Fred Ridder
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