Brad Simmons wrote: 
> The past several times that I've regenerated my FrameMaker 
> 8.0 book (originally created in 7.2) I've gotten the 
> following message:
> "Show/Hide setting for FM8_TRACK_CHANGES_ADDED is inconsistent"
> What does this mean? I've never seen a track changing 
> feature, nor have I (knowingly) turned one on or off.

Well, I haven't seen FM8, but the message "Show/Hide setting for XYZ is
inconsistent" means you're showing text tagged with the condition XYZ in
some book components and not in others.  

If FM8 is creating change-tracking conditions and applying them to text,
and you don't know anything about it, I suspect it's time to RTFM. ;-) 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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