Mollye Barrett wrote: 
> I'm working with an unstructured document set that uses text 
> insets. When insets are imported into the target document, 
> the empty paragraph tag following the inset automatically 
> becomes a repeat of the first style in the previous inset. 
> So, if the inset starts with a numbered list, the next empty 
> paragraph tag in the document becomes a number list too.

That "empty" pgf isn't really empty. It's the _container_ pgf into which
you imported the text inset. If you click the inset to select it, you'll
see from the highlighting that it sits in that pgf. There's an _extra_
pgf break because the text inset itself ends with a paragraph break.

Enough context. The fix is simple: Put something -- anything -- between
the text inset and the end of its container pgf. 

For existing text insets, position the cursor between the the text inset
and the pilcrow (end-of-pgf symbol) of the container pgf and type
something. I use a non-breaking space (Ctrl-Space) so that there's a
little symbol there (I always work with View > Symbols on), and it's
less likely to be accidentally deleted. Change the pgf format to
whatever you want (I have a special format I use as a text inset
container) and update the text inset. The container pgf remains

For a new text inset, if the text cursor is in an empty pgf when you
import the inset, the inset will "sit" up against the pilcrow and cause
your problem. Type the Ctrl-Space first, then move the cursor to the
left of it before importing the inset. Or consider importing the inset
with the cursor at the beginning of a non-empty pgf (i.e., to the left
of some text). 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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