Art Campbell wrote:
> If you want to create stand-alone PDFs that people can mark up with
> Reader 8, yes, you do need Pro or 3D.
> However, to make things a little less expensive, Standard delivers and
> performs the shared review functionality that includes the ability for
> reviewers to edit and comment with Reader, as stated on the Adobe
> site:
> Pro and 3D are great, but they're not required to conduct shared
> reviews with the reviewers using Reader 8. You only need them if you
> want to add this functionality outside the review cycle -- for
> instance, if you want customers to be able to download and annotate a
> PDF that you placed on your www site. But for reviews, if you're
> counting pennies, you can pass.
Sorry, Art, but I think you're misinterpreting the matrix. The shared review
capability that Acrobat Standard supports requires all reviewers to have 
Acrobat and not just Adobe Reader. The minimum version that allows you
to create a PDF that can be annotated by people who have only Adobe
Reader is Acrobat Pro. So you can either buy the Standard version of 
Acrobat for all reviewers, or pop for one copy of Acrobat Pro for the
tech writer preparing docs for review.
The Standard version of Acrobat 8.0 simply does not have the "Enable 
for Commenting and Analysis in Adobe Reader" command.
-Fred Ridder
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