Oh wait, I guess I should read more carefully .. Table > Custom Ruling 
and Shading .. DUH !

I've seen that, but have never needed to do it so never went there.

Thanks Alan!


Scott Prentice wrote:
> Hi Alan...
> Yeah .. I can set the color of the background of columns/rows .. but I'm 
> not seeing a way to set the color of the ruling/borders .. thickness but 
> not color. No? I'd like to be wrong here .. ??  :)
> Thanks,
> ...scott
> Alan Houser wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Through the GUI?  Table->Custom Ruling & Shading lets you change 
>> properties of ruling styles, or create new ruling styles with 
>> different properties.
>> -Alan
>> ---
>> Alan Houser, President
>> Group Wellesley, Inc.
>> 412-363-3481
>> www.groupwellesley.com
>> Scott Prentice wrote:
>>> Hi...
>>> I think I know the answer to this, but thought I'd check to make 
>>> sure. Is there any way to set a color for table rules/borders? I'm 
>>> not seeing one .. ??
>>> Thanks!
>>> ...scott
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