Put the "sort order" info in square brackets (e.g. [aaa] ) not angle

        <$nopage>changing:see also modifying[aaa]

On Tuesday, June 24, 2008 18:04, Tammy Van Boening wrote:
| A long time ago, in a valley far, far away, I know I did this, but I
| don't remember how! Under the letter "C" in my index, under the
| IndexLev1 entry of changing, I want the first entry to be changing:see
| also modifying (and not a page number) and I can't for the life of me
| remember how to format the index marker for this. Right now, I have
| <$nopage>changing:see also modifying<aaa>, but I am getting the entry
| sorted as is. The attempt to force it to the top by using <aaa> is not
| working, but I swear I did this before, but using <zzz> to get an
| to the bottom of a list at all times.
| Help!
| TIA,
| Tammy Van Boening
| Health Language, Inc.
| (303) 307-4400 x254 (office)
| (303) 375-0656 (fax)
| www.healthlanguage.com

- Lester 
Lester C. Smalley              Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com       
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712    
Yorklyn, DE  19736               Web: www.infocon.com   

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