Is anyone else as annoyed by FrameMaker's useless help function as I am?

I want to put a page break in my table.  Here's what I get when I type
"table break" into the Help search function:

Controlling page breaks in tables

If all the rows of a table don't fit in a text column, some of the
rows move to the next page or column. You can control how the table
breaks between pages or columns. For example, you can set the minimum
number of rows that can appear on a page or column, or specify that
two rows always appear together on the same page or column. You can
also force a break at any row in a table.

When you insert a table, the minimum number of rows in a column or on
a page is determined by the table format. You can change this number
in the Table Designer.

On the other hand, keeping two rows together and forcing a page break
are not part of the format; they are custom settings, which you make
on a case-by-case basis. If you apply a different format to the table,
these settings are not overwritten.

For information on controlling where a table starts on a page or in a
column, see Controlling where tables begin.

Ok.  So, I can control how the table breaks.  Great!  I can force a
break at any row in a table.  Fantastic!

Anyone notice anything missing?

I especially like this nugget of useful information: "forcing a page
break [is] not part of the format; they are custom settings, which you
make on a case-by-case basis."

Um, where?  How?

In case anyone here doesn't know, it's Table> Row Format > Start Row:.


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