
You should be able to simply copy-and-paste anything from a Frame file
directly into any other program. I'm not familiar with TypePad, but if
it's a Windows program it should take stuff from the Clipboard.

If you're asking about converting the entire book to text... first, I
wouldn't bother if it was me, but if you want to do that, I believe
that MIF2Go (free trail from omsys.com) will output to text. However,
MIF2Go also ouputs to HTML, which may be a better choice for importing
into a blog.


Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Ted Steinberg <mtedsteinb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1st. I would like to export unstructured Frame 7.1 paragraphs directly
> into whatever TypePad uses for creating blog posts; paste in is OK.
> TypePad's support FAQ'a contain nothing on Framemaker.  I have about
> 4500 journal entries (paragraphs) into a 1,400 page Frame Book w/an
> APL, TOC, and 50 chapters, of marketing concept notes taken over 20+
> years; a few of my previous clients have asked me to put the best ones
> into one or more blogs - for their sales & marketing staffs. The idea
> of having to retype them and redo them is a bit much; I even called
> Methuselah, he's older than I, but not by much, but he was too busy
> with his own memoirs, given all those wives, to offer any advice other
> than to not take steroids or Viagra or any performance enhancing
> substances; but he did recommend that any advice from a Framer, though
> addictive, was OK. So if anyone has some advise on how to do get from
> Frame to a TypePad Blog with a minimum of pain I would be most
> welcome.
> 2nd. I lost the WebWorks program that came with Frame, and it is not
> installed. I mention this because, the thought is gnawing at my
> clouded brain, that maybe it was good for something like this. If it
> would be handy to have, any idea how I can get the program for the
> price of a thank you? Like shipping it in a returning Banana Boat?
> Regards from a retired Californian living in Costa Rica, having
> improved the IQ's of both areas, although my Costa Rican relatives may
> take exception to this remark.
> --
> Ted Steinberg
> Apartado 185-7150
> Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
> 506-2556-7596
> mtedsteinb...@gmail.com
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