Hello Fellow Framers!

After spending quite a bit of time reading posts in the FrameUsers 
archives, I thought I had some things figured out.  It worked on a small 
scale, but now that I've begun using larger documents I'm running into a 
problem and I hope you folks can help.

I've been working toward making my unstructured FM 8 doc. set more 
modular to improve my single-sourcing capabilities.

I read several posts concerning text insets in container documents and 
that sounded like the perfect solution.  After a few tests on a very 
small scale, I moved forward to breaking down  and reassembling the 
first 3 chapters of our user manual.
Ch.1:  63 pgs,    61 insets
Ch.2: 224 pgs, 168 insets
Ch 3:   83 pgs,   71 insets

Each chapter (individually) worked fine, so with that much done, I 
decided to build a test book and work out the issues around 
cross-references and hypertext before I continued on to the remaining 6 

My problem is that, with all of the fm files and books open at once, my 
computer slowed *way* down!  I built a book with the 3 container 
documents and added a TOC, but had trouble scrolling through the TOC.  
Nothing "crashed", but it was so slow it's clear that I'm headed for 

I checked the performance in the Windows Task Manager and, with _only 
FM8_ open, the CPU Usage was around 50% (give or take about 7%).
My Computer:
 - Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
 - 2 GHz Motherboard
 - 2 GHz, 3.5 Gb RAM
 - OS: XP SP3

I'm wondering if I've broken the files down too far and FM can't handle 
that, or if there's something else I don't know about.  I've read, 
numerous times, about the power of FM and that people use it to handle 
much larger documents than mine. I have to believe that there's an 
answer somewhere.

Can you FM gurus please help me?

Thanks so much!


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