My apologies Richard, you did state this in an earlier response. 

I use the import by reference function as a kind of alerting system. My
Engineering group has a bunch of directories filled with schematic and
mechanical drawings they convert to jpg or png or pdf. I then import by
reference from these directories into my Frame file to create a drawing
book. If Engineering is changing a drawing, it is taken out of its
original directory and placed into a pending directory waiting for the
DCO and the new drawing to become available. When Engineering moves the
file, this breaks the import by reference link thus alerting me that my
drawing book needs to be updated. 

Its at this point I run into my problem of not being able to get by the
Missing File window. I have also run into the scenario you state below
where multiple files have been moved for updating. I get an  updated
drawing placed back into its original directory, Frame recognizes the
new drawing and moves on to the next missing file and sticks, its as if
the Ignore and Skip functions just don't work. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:13 PM
To: Richard Melanson
Subject: RE: Import by Reference Question/Bug ?

Richard Melanson wrote:
>  Boy do I feel stupid  :-)
> I am trying to open a file to save it as a MIF file to "clean out any 
> impurities" that I am unable to open because of the impurities. I
> get by the Missing File box!   HELP  :-)

Um, you can't open it because it can't find one or more graphics
imported by reference, right? 

Well, I hate to repeat myself, but: "I have to wonder why the file path
or name of your imported-by-reference drawings keeps changing. What is
it about your workflow that causes this problem to keep coming up? Maybe
you can fix that part so this just doesn't happen anymore." 

Or to deal specifically with the immediate problem: 

1) In the Missing File dialog, FM tells you the path and name of the
file that's missing. Make a note of it, and then cancel. 

2) Put a file of the correct name in the correct location -- preferably
the actual file that should be used, but any file of that type will do. 

3) Try opening the FM file again. If the Missing File dialog reports
another missing file, try the Ignore option, and if that doesn't work,
repeat step 2. 

4) Repeat step 3 until the FM file opens. 

Once it's open, you can try the MIF wash business, but I strongly
suggest you instead focus on finding out why you keep having these
missing file problems and fixing that. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom



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