If you delete the blank pages do they reappear after an update?


On 19/02/2010, at 12:52 PM, Howard Rauch wrote:

> FrameMaker 7.0 (there are still some of us)
> Windows XP Pro
> What am is doing wrong or what do I need to do? The problem I am  
> having is that FM now adds a blank page no matter what settings I  
> use and I can't figure out why. The only change from the previous  
> version is that the chapter now has two pages instead of one, but FM  
> insists on adding a third page. I compared this version's settings  
> with the previous version. They are the same. I also compared the  
> settings for the upstream and downstream chapters. They are also the  
> same. I've also compared the books' settings -- Ditto. The book  
> settings are as follows:
> Under Format/Page Layout/Pagination
> - Double Sided (I have left and right master pages)
> - Left Side (the chapter should begin on the left page)
> - Delete Empty Pages
> Under Format/Document/Numbering/Page
> - Continue Numbering from Previous Page in Book
> This chapter should be pages 18-19. When I renumber the book, Frame  
> adds a blank page 20 and changes the Pagination to "Make Page Count  
> Odd."
> The settings are the identical for the chapter. I also checked the  
> upstream and downstream chapters. They are set up the same way.
> Any thoughts? (I am nearly to my wit's end with this problem.)

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


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