System: MS Vista
Software: FM 9.0p230, FrameScript 5.2R1

I'm working on creating a script that automates all PDF builds for all our 
documentation books and I seem to have run into a snag - I can get everything 
to work so far except after my script opens the files, runs checks, applies 
templates etc in FrameMaker, I haven't been able to command it to save the book 
as a PDF. For example, here's my current simplified test script that opens a 
book, opens its files, and saves it as a PDF. Everything happens except no PDF 
save, no PDF created. Maybe someone could spot what I'm missing? Did some 
requirement of FrameScript change with FrameMaker 9? (This used to work in 
FrameMaker 7, with an earlier version of FrameScript :] )

(I also tried printing it as a PDF in my script, but it also did not work, and 
didn't seem to have as many customization options.)


Set cbook = 'c:\temp\docbuild\products\tecplot\release\360\'

Open book File(cbook) NewVar(bookobj);

Loop ForEach (BookComponent) In(ActiveBook) LoopVar(cBookCompVar)
   Open Document File(cBookCompVar.Name);

// Also tried this: Save Book BookObject(ActiveBook) 
File('c:\Users\callie\Desktop\release.pdf') FileType(SaveFmtPdf)

Save Book BookObject(ActiveBook) File ('c:\Users\callie\Desktop\release.pdf')

Display PDFSaveErrorList  // So far this only displays a "0"

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