On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 13:01:47 +0200, Menahem Rosen 
<menahem.ro...@objet.com> wrote:

>The only solution I have found is to delete the offending 
>marker in the target and then create a new cross reference 
>from scratch. The KB questions are how did the problem occur, 
>and how can I be sure that it won't re-occur? The practical 
>question is how can I quickly replace the offending cross 
>references with proper ones? (Obviously, doing so manually 
>is a very tedious task, especially since the target may be 
>referenced by multiple cross-references in the book.)

This is discussed in the User's Guide, par. 4.2.11, 
"Eliminating Word-generated cross-reference markers".
Word creates a very large number of these markers,
and if you use Frame's native Word import (NOT a
good idea!), they are retained in Frame.  By default,
Mif2Go identifies and ignores these markers.

The trouble is that apparently someone made Frame
cross-references using them, instead of the correct
method of having Frame create new cross-reference
markers for the destinations.

As am immediate workaround, you can tell Mif2Go not
to ignore the _tocNNNNN markers:


The xrefs will then work, but you will also have
many (perhaps thousands) of extra, pointless anchors
in the HTML.  They are harmless, but do bulk up the

You can avoid this problem in the future when you
import files from Word by bringing them in as plain
text using Copy in Word and Paste Special in Frame.
Then retag per your Frame template.  It takes a bit
longer to do it that way, but it eliminates numerous
issues you'll have forever from the Frame import.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jer...@omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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