First of all, good for you for asking such a basic question - I wonder how many 
other people get emails from this list and don't understand how the process 

This discussion list runs entirely through email. 

When you send a question to "," it goes through 
email to everyone on the list. If someone is inclined to answer, they send the 
answer to that same email address. Then everyone on the list sees the answer.

You might get fifteen answers to your question, or you might get none, 
depending on who is busy and who knows the answer.

If you yourself know the answer to a question, you email a reply, usually with 
REPLY ALL, so the "framers" email address receives the response. Any email sent 
to "framers" goes to everyone on the list.

If you omit the "framers" email address from your reply, then it only goes to 
the person who asked.

A reminder of the basic instructions appear at the bottom of every "framers" 
email. If you want to quit the list, you use the "unsubscribe" email address 
described there.


On Jan 7, 2011, at 10:08 AM, Karyn Goldstein wrote:

> Good morning:
> I've never belonged to a list like this before, so excuse these elementary 
> questions.
> 1.       How do I see the list? My email and password doesn't work in the 
> administrator password area. Is there another thing I'm missing?
> 2.       If I have a question, so I send to this address and not post it on 
> the list itself?
> Since I can't see the list, and I'm not sure how I receive my answers, can 
> you please email me directly?
> Thank you,
> Karyn
> ------
> Karyn Goldstein
> Sr. Technical Writer
> +1 831 419 3305
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