FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7, 64 bit (new, PITA PC)
FM Experience: 2+years

I've looked in the Adobe FM PDF and can't find the keyboard shortcuts I'm 
looking for...

Is there a way to select multiple Condition tags and apply them in one step?

And after you've selected and applied the set of multiple Condition tags once, 
is there a keyboard shortcut for "repeat Condition tags" (as "Esc jj" repeats 
the application of the last Paragraph tag)?

I have had to add a new Condition to my books which requires me to 
conditionalize a lot of text (and table insets) that were not previously marked 
with any Conditions. Needless to say, having to apply the same five Conditions 
over and over is time consuming and beyond tedious.


Alison Craig
Lead Technical Writer

604-279-8550 x127 | fax 604-279-8559
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation |


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