FrameMaker seems to get stressed out doing book searches. That's one of it's favorite times to crash in previous versions as well. I find that if you open all the files in the book before the search, it doesn't tend to crash from a book search.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

On 2/21/2012 8:39 PM, Joseph Lorenzini wrote:
Hi Richard,

A framemaker engineer has reached out to me and we are currently in the process of troubleshooting the problem. If we end up identifying what the problem is and a workaround, I'll be sure to notify the list serve.

Please keep in mind that the "Character Format" option in the find dialog box doesn't exist until FM 10.  You can also search for paragraph and character format overrides which you could not do in previous releases. Finally, please be aware that this only seems reproducible with some extremely large books of mine that have been upgraded from FM 9. I can't reproduce this crash on a smaller book or a book created from scratch, in those other cases everything works as expected.

In answer to your questions:

1)  I am doing this  because I first want to zero out all the formatting and then inherit a specific formatting from the body text. this ensures that i ONLY find text that is bolded and is body text and not finding bolded paragraphs that are  bolded because of the paragraph format, such as H1 or H2.

2) I do not  believe I am applying  on top of the format override but rather replacing the format override with the char tag. When I did my testing in a single FM file, I tried this once on one piece of text that had the bold override applied to it. Prior to the the find and replace, I searched for character format overrides and the find mechanism flagged this text as having an override. After the find and replace occurred, I searched for character format overrides and the find mechanism did NOT flag this text as having an override

3)In the FM data model, my understanding is that part of a character format is the char tag. So when I do a copy special and copy the character format, I am getting the character format tag in addition to everything else associated with the character format.

4) I was doing a find and replace across the entire book. I do this all the time and when I do I don't have a document open. I've never had a problem before. In any case, I have experimented with the find and replace when all the docs are opened and the crash still occurs.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Combs, Richard <> wrote:

I don't have FM10, but since I don't see any response on the list, I'll toss out some questions/comments that occurred to me:

-- After step 7 (setting the dialog to As Is), why are you doing step 8 (setting it to the format at the cursor location)?

-- In step 10, when you "apply a character format," I assume you mean a defined char tag. Why are you applying it on top of a format override? You realize that you're adding the char tag formatting to the override, not replacing the override? (At least, that's the case if your char tag is properly defined, with non-relevant parameters set to As Is.)

-- In step 11, you're copying *all* the formatting of the selected text, not the char tag itself. IOW, if you select some text that has the Emphasis char tag (defined as Italic + As Is) applied, and that text is in a blue 20-pt Futura heading, what you're copying to the clipboard (and pasting) is blue 20-pt Futura Italic.

-- In step 12, why are you closing all docs? I suspect this is the nut of the crashing problem. Although earlier versions of FM, IIRC, display an error dialog when you don't have a cursor location.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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