You don't say which version of FrameMaker you are using, but I can tell you 
that in ever version of FrameMaker I have used on a daily basis (5.5.6 through 
8.0), the compare documents feature has had some *significant* shortcomings.
And I'm sure you aren't going to welcome the news, but comparing tabular 
content has always been the weakest aspect of an already weak feature. 
Sometimes (on rare occasions, in my experience...), Frame will figure out what 
has changed inside a table, but most of the time it simply marks the whole 
table object as having been changed, which is basically useless. It's easy to 
understand why it might throw up its figurative hands when the number or 
arrangement of cells is different between two tables, but why it chokes when 
the tables are identically laid out and nearly identical in content is beyond 
Of course it's possible that some of this has been improved in FM9 or FM10. But 
I don't know about that because I'm stuck on FM8 for the time being. (I have a 
hard requirement to maintain backwards compatibilty with a team who are using 
the last version of FrameMaker for Solaris (7.0), and our corporate software 
licensing folks really, really don't like it when you try to have two different 
versions of the same tool on your system.) 
-Fred Ridder

Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 18:36:59 +0000
Subject: Problems comparing large books: due to memory issues--or what?

I have been comparing several FM books (specs bound for ISO) that are large 
with lots of docs that contain many referenced Visio's and text insets. I have 
converted the text insets (MIFs full of tables) to text so table entries will 
compare. But the compare function is not consistently working. I either get a 
FM crash, an incomplete number of CMP files (missing CMP files when I know the 
file changed), or just plain incorrect CMP files (CMP file just mimics previous 
version). I do not need the Visio's to compare, but I do need table text to 
compare (show what's deleted/added).
I am looking to memory as a cause, and will try to compare some more after 
closing all other programs and functions, but I thought I'd check the list to 
see if anybody has experience with this. Normally I don't do book compares, but 
we are starting a new version of our spec, and reviewers have asked to see all 
changes indicated specifically--not just with change bars.
Thank you in advance!
PS: I have 3GB of memory, 32-bit operating system.
PPS: I have thought to compare PDFs, but I fear the markup would be horrendous 
and useless.
Marilyn Fausset
Senior Technical Writer
Storage Networking Industry Association   
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