Matt, yes I am using RH's Multiscreen output. I'm annoyed at the differences in the out-of-box options for the various device outputs. There doesn't appear to be a unified "set" that retains the same color scheme or other skin characteristics. But my biggest whine is that RH10 treats the device outputs as separate entities with a separate folder for each output device. There is a separate index.htm file for each output device. And within each device folder, the entire set of templates for each device is repeated. For example, here is a simplified folder structure to illustrate:
------|index.html plus my project files
------------|all PNG files for the layout
------------|all PNG files for the layout
------------|all PNG files for the layout
------------|all PNG files for the layout
------------|all PNG files for the layout
------|index.html plus my project files and the other folders as listed above
------|index.html plus my project files and the other folders as listed above
-------|index.html plus my project files and the other folders as listed above
------|index.html plus my project files and the other folders as listed above

I don't understand why the redundancy is necessary. So what I'd like to know is whether or not WWP's output contains this redundancy or whether they build all of this into one separate HTML5 and one separate css. It seems to me that as the device market expands and new devices are added, RH will be limited by what it is currently configured for. What I see in WWP suggests that their coding will be truly "responsive" and flexible regardless of the device that displays the output. If I'm wrong here about either product, let me know. That's what I'm trying to determine.


At 09:38 AM 2/11/2013, you wrote:
@Carol, are you using RH's HTML5 SSL, called Multiscreen?

Although you can still create SSL's per device, using Mulitscreen as your SSL produces only one set of HTML files, with a single CSS3 to do exactly what you mentioned in your post.


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