Fred Ridder wrote:
> Umm, I think I indicated that in my previous message. To designate modifier
> keys in a KeySequence string:
>  - Shift key is +
>  - Ctrl key is ^
>  - Atl key is ~
> AFAIK, FrameMaker does not support any use of the Windows key.

I don't know of any way to specify the Windows logo key in a KeySequence, but 
you can use "/Apps" to specify the Application key. For instance, my FM 7.2 
customui.cfg file (based on the original MicroType customization kit) contains 
the following shortcuts for table navigation: 

<Modify MoveIPToColumnTop          <KeySequence /Apps /Home >>
<Modify MoveIPToColumnBottom       <KeySequence /Apps /End >>
<Modify MoveIPToPreviousCell       <KeySequence /Apps /Left >>
<Modify MoveIPToNextCell           <KeySequence /Apps /Right >>
<Modify MoveIPToCellAbove          <KeySequence /Apps /Up >>
<Modify MoveIPToCellBelow          <KeySequence /Apps /Down >>

Note that the Application key and the key that follows are pressed in sequence 
(as indicated by the space between them). (Actually, it works if you hold the 
Application key while pressing the following key, but then you have to release 
the Application key and press it again before you can repeat the action.)

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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