

Craig -


Thanks so much for the info.  I'll check it out.  The problem of
FrameMaker's not faithfully reading the "rules" file, wherever it is,
looks like a deal breaker that, I'm sorry to say, gives me pause about
continuing using FrameMaker.  There's just so much "pressure" to use
other XML editor computer programs . . ..



Dave Stamm

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From: Craig Ede [mailto:craig...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: 2013-07-16-Tuesday 19:53
To: m...@mattrsullivan.com; 'Framer's List'; Stamm, David-P45904
Subject: RE: Setting up files for structured use


Reinstalling completely to fix the maker.ini files seems a bit like
overkill. When editing the maker.ini file it is a good idea to make a
copy in the same location. I name the copy maker.ini.ORIG, so I can use
that to get back to the original settings if they are needed.


This use of two structapps (local and global) files started with FM10.

There's a discussion about the use of a network drive for common
structure files in one of the Adobe webinars.


The relevant comments begin about 11:15 into the webinar.


The one you edit by using you choose Structure Tools > Edit Application
Definitions is the local one. When you edit that file, save it and then
do a Read Application Definitions (to allow your application to use the
new definitions) everything is okay and you can use your new
application. However...


The global file is not affected by these edits. Next time you start FM
and it reads from the global file, your new application definition will
not be there. You have to copy the application definition in your local
file into the global file.  Your problem with RW file not being seen may
simply be a result of that. The discussion of the structure app file is
at about 18:00 in the webinar.




----- snipped -----

With Fm11, there are now 2 copies of the maker.ini (userdata directory
and install directory) and 2 copies of the structapps file (local and
global, both available from the Structure menu in Fm11), and I'm betting
you're getting snarled in the combinations of these files.




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