You could save the template(s) as MIF and search for the offending font. It's probably on some Reference page or tucked on a Master Page or some-such. Change the missing font name to the name of an available font (or just use the MIF to investigate where it's occurring, and use FrameMaker on its FM file to make the changes).

Alternately, disable "Remember Missing Fonts" in Preferences, open the template(s), let font substitution do its thing, and then re-save. Shouldn't bother you any more.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Catalog definitions ... fonts not available
From: Alastair Dent <>
Date: Tue, August 06, 2013 5:08 am

Ok, I’ve inherited some Frame docs that use Helvetica, Times and Courier. Those fonts aren’t on my system.
I’m using these docs to create a template.
I’ve opened the book and all documents, then used the Fonts pod to locate missing fonts and replace with an existing font. I’ve saved the documents, closed and re-opened them.
I still get the ‘missing fonts’ message. The error log says that the catalog contains fonts that aren’t on my system.
Obviously the styles catalog has styles using the missing fonts (but those styles aren’t used in my documents).
What is the best way of tackling this?
Alastair Dent

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