Craig,Your post implies she is importing them INTO the fm file. Has she tried 
Importing by Reference?It should work,and is probably the preferred way 

     On Monday, October 27, 2014 3:29 PM, Lin Sims <> wrote:

 The SVG bug (which only prevented being able to search text in SVG graphics 
imported into Frame and then distilled to PDF) was fixed in the latest patch 
update to FM12.

I admit I am not going by direct experience regarding the use of PDF as a 
graphic format. One of my coworkers has been forced to embed single-page PDFs 
into Frame files for a particular document set she works on. She was the one 
who said that the file size bloated from that. The files were output from a 
database, and she was adding 50 or so to a book. I think she had to break the 
chapter she was adding them to into multiple files in order to get it to 
distill properly.

I don't think I've ever heard that the preferred workflow was to create a 
graphic, save it as PDF, and then import it into a Frame file that was going to 
be PDFed. That seems ... odd to me for some reason, but that may just be me. :-)

Good luck,

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Craig, Alison <> 

In what version of Frame is the SVG problem fixed? I’m using FM9. As for why I 
use the PDFs (from Visio), I was under the impression that this was a 
recommended workflow. And I’ve never seen anyone mention that including PDF 
images in the book bloats the final Frame PDF or I might have looked for an 
alternative before. The interesting things is, I have been using this method 
for years with the same book files and have never had a problem before. In 
fact, when I built PDF files for review in mid-September, there wasn’t a single 
hesitation. The PDFs thePrint to Book… option first encounter were not edited 
between mid-September and when I encountered the problem last week. I spent a 
lot of time thinking over the weekend and remember an issue I had with Pantone 
warning re: mismatched “definitions”. I cannot recall how I made this go away – 
or if I actually did anything at all – so I’m going to run a few tests. Cross 
your fingers for me. Alison Alison Craig | Technical Documentation 
LeadUltrasonix | 130-4311 Viking Way|Richmond, BC V6V 2K9 | 
analogicultrasound.comT 604-279-8550 ext 127 | F 604-279-8559 From: 
[]On Behalf Of Lin Sims
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 6:09 AM
To: Mike Wickham
Cc: Frame Users
Subject: Re: FM9 Crashes when Creating PDFs with files that Contain PDFs (WAS: 
Frame 9 Crashing – Can’t Create PDFs) Out of curiousity, Allison, why are you 
printing the Visio graphics to PDF and then importing them into a Frame file 
that is printed to PDF? Embedding a PDF file into a file that is going to be 
printed to PDF tends to drastically increase the size of the file being 
distilled. Given that your testing has pretty much narrowed down the issue to 
pages with embedded PDF images/graphics, I'd strongly suggest seeing if a 
different image format would do what you need. Is it necessary that they be 
PDF, or could another searchable format such as SVG (now that Adobe has fixed 
the SVG to PDF but) be used instead? On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Mike 
Wickham <> wrote:I thought I recalled Dov Isaacs explaining 
this as a Windows problem, rather than a FrameMaker problem. I found the 
following quote from him online, which appears to reference what was later 
called the fntcache.dat bug (and fixed with a hotfix and, later, Windows 
update), and a Windows bug relating to large page sizes and large fonts. I 
don't know if that one was ever fixed and may still require setting a lower dpi 
as a workaround. (I would note that I have no text or image dropout at 1200 dpi 
on Windows 7.)

NOTE: The following is a 10-year old quote:
"(2) There is a known problem with FrameMaker under Windows only in which text 
may disappear from the output page (i.e., selective text dropout) when printing 
to PostScript devices, including Acrobat Distiller. Unfortunately, the problem 
is NOT reproducible from system to system or document to document either user 
sites or within Adobe itself. What we do know is that the larger the logical 
page size in combination with higher resolution settings aggravates the 
problems (i.e., makes it more likely that you will actually see the symptom). 
It is for this reason that we most strongly recommend that you NEVER use a 
Windows PostScript printer driver setting higher than 600 dpi with FrameMaker. 
If necessary to print to a higher resolution device, create PDF first (with the 
Adobe Distiller / Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance set to no more 
than 600 dpi) and then do the final print from Acrobat / Adobe Reader to the 
actual print device. In the rare instances where there is still selective text 
dropout, set the driver resolution to 300 dpi. We know of no situations in 
which the selective text dropout persists at the 300 dpi setting. What are the 
ramifications of the lower resolution settings? The resolution of image data is 
not downsampled or degraded by this resolution setting. Nor is any damage done 
to vector graphics or the quality of text. What it does control for FrameMaker 
is the granularity of spacing, especially of text. Setting 600 dpi permits 
"only" 600 starting positions per inch and interword spacing in 1/600 inch 
increments. Images and vector graphics positioning is likewise limited to such 
increments. At 300 dpi, the value falls to 300 starting positions and 1/300 
inch increments. Anything under 300 dpi is absolutely not recommended and could 
yield some rather gnarly text spacing. Again, we recommend you start at 600 dpi 
and stay with that if you have no problems. (Note also that 600 dpi gets around 
another Windows GDI bug in which text formatted in larger point sizes is 
converted to unhinted outlines. 600 dpi allow for text in pointsizes up to 
approximately 100 points to remain as text for printing purposes.)"
On 10/25/2014 10:40 AM, Heiko Haida wrote:
Hi Alison,

I also had problems to print some single pages to PDF in a larger DIN A3 
format: The content was displayed partially, the page was not completely shown 
(without error message).
First I thought the graphic files were corrupt, as taking out the graphics 
would at least produce a PDF.

Then I found that the distiller profile was set to 2400 dpi, and after reducing 
this to 1200 dpi everything was fine.
I don't like it, but it seems FM has some internal memory problems here.

Maybe this also applies to your problem.

Best regards - Tino H. Haida, Berlin


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