> Just wanted to introduce myself to the group and share with you that  as 
> of Monday, I'm now the FrameMaker Evangelist for Adobe Systems and  so I'm 
> looking forward to contributing to this group and being as  involved and 
> supportive as I can to everyone who uses FrameMaker.
> I have been a long-time fan of FrameMaker and a user since the first 
> version of the product.  Along the way, I have spent many years 
> delivering training on both Frame, Acrobat, RoboHelp, Captivate and  other 
> tools.  I also worked for Quadralay (makers of WebWorks) for a  couple of 
> years, and as Product Manager for eHelp-Macromedia (makers  of RoboHelp) 
> my team and I built RoboHelp for FrameMaker.

Hello, RJ...I was wondering where you went off to. We communicated with each 
other when I was a beta tester for Robohelp for FrameMaker. Between you and 
me, while I have gone over to WWeP, I think RH4FM was a better product.

Anyway...I hope your presence will 1) do much to make FM more current, and 
2) help dispel the FM is dead chorus.

Good luck in your new position.

BTW...I too am starting a new position, with EMC, a rather large FM 
customer, so I have a professional stake is seeing FM prosper.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

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