Hi all (& especially RJ),

I get the listserve posts by digest, so I have to respond to everything
a day or so later. 

I don't know you, RJ, but I'd like to add my voice to the chorus
welcoming you. And to show you just how much I appreciate and value you,
I'm going to start right in with a request:

When are the Adobe folks going to do something about FrameMaker's
ability to respond to the scroll wheel? I have followed previous posts
and searched the archives, and I have tried everything-recommended
Logitech drivers (I use a both standard MS-type mouse and a Logitech
Trackman trackball), FreeWheel, everything I can find that is supposed
to work. 

On my systems, it doesn't work. Neither here at the office nor on my
home computer. It doesn't seem like it would be that big a deal for
Adobe to build in the scroll wheel functionality, so what is the
problem? This is a major shortcoming in FrameMaker, as far as I am

Your thoughts?

Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at infor.com

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