I have run into a really weird problem.

In one of my EDDs I recently changed a WarnNote element (due to the
fact that I never finished it properly in the first place as I wanted
to see what we would be needing in the future) so that it can include
numbered notes without using a List element. The WarnNotes can be of
different types set as attributes and almost all types can be
The WarnNote includes one or more NoteItem only, and here I set the
counter W: to 0.

I have tried to have the NoteItem element to include either (<TEXT> |
Para | List | Emphasise | XRef) or skipping the <TEXT> | part, but the
results are the same.

The numbering works unless I add an extra Para element (after <TEXT>
or Para), in which cases the counter seems to be set to zero again, so
the next NoteItem is numbered as 1. If I use a List instead of a Para
and add more than one Para in the ListItem, It has no effect on the

There is no numbering at all built into the Para element, conditional or not.

I have a similar setup in the List element, but with less options in
attributes, and I have no such problems there.

Here is a commented snippet of my present EDD. Can anyone tell me what
I am doning wrong?

>>>WarnNote can be a regular note or warning.
It consists of one or more NoteItem Different frmatting rules are set
depending on whether it apears in a Section or anywhere else (like in
Element (Container): WarnNote
   General rule:        NoteItem+
      Attribute list
      Name: ID  Unique ID       Optional
      Name: MessageType         Choice  Optional
         Default:       NOTE
      Name: Numbered    Choice  Optional
         Choices:       Yes, No
         Default:       No
   Text format rules
      In all contexts.
         Numbering properties
            Autonumber format: W: < =0>
      If context is: Section
         Default font properties
         Angle: Italic
      Else, if context is: * < List
         Default font properties
         Angle: Italic
         Default font properties
         Angle: Italic
      If context is: TCell
         Basic properties
            Paragraph spacing
            Space above: 0 pt
            Space below: 0 pt
         Prefix rules
            If context is: [Numbered="No"]
               If context is: [MessageType!="NOTE"]
                 Prefix: <$attribute[MessageType]>:
                   Text range.
                      Font properties
                         Color: Note
                         Weight: Bold
                  No additional formatting.

>>>NoteItem is the child of a WarnNote. It can take a pure TEXT or a
Para or a List or the Emphasize element. Here we set the numbering
REMEMBER: Calls for Character Format Tag "Note" which uses color "Note"!!!
Create these formats in each file.
Color "Note" is originally set to C=0% M=100% Y=100% K=10%.<<<

Element (Container): NoteItem
   General rule:        (Para | List | Emphasize | XRef)+
   Attribute list
      Name: ID  Unique ID       Optional
   Automatic insertions
   Automatically insert child:  Para
  Format rules for first paragraph in element
      If context is: WarnNote[Numbered="Yes"]
         If context is: WarnNote[MessageType="NOTES"]
            Numbering properties
            Autonumber format: W:NOTE <n+>:
            Character format: Note

If context is: {first} < NoteItem {first} < WarnNote
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:NOTE <n=1>:
Character format: Note
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:NOTE <n+>:
Character format: Note
The following I have not started on changing. This is as it was above
and gave me the same problems.
Else, if context is: WarnNote[MessageType="WARNING"]
If context is: {first}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:WARNING <n=1>:
Character format: Note
Else, if context is: {notfirst}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:WARNING <n+>:
Character format: Note
Else, if context is: WarnNote[MessageType="CAUTION"]
If context is: {first}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:CAUTION <n=1>:
Character format: Note
Else, if context is: {notfirst}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:CAUTION <n+>:
Character format: Note
If context is: {first}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:<n=1>:
Else, if context is: {notfirst}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: W:<n+>:
Else, if context is: WarnNote[Numbered="No"]
Numbering properties
No autonumber format.
Prefix rules
If context is: WarnNote[Numbered="No"]
Prefix: <$attribute[MessageType: WarnNote]>:
No additional formatting.
In all contexts.
Text range.
Font properties
Weight: Bold
Color: Note

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publications
Air Atlanta Icelandic

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