While cleaning my office, I realized just how many books I have that I 
don't need. I've got multiple copies of the same books! Many have never 
been cracked open. Instead of allowing them to languish in boxes where 
they are of little use to anyone, I thought I'd bundle them up into a 
group and give them away to someone who might actually want to read 
them. To find out how to get in on this deal, visit my weblog, 
TheContentWrangler.com. Here's a list of the books in the FrameMaker 

FrameMaker Bundle - ($247.90 retail value)

     * XML and FrameMaker (Ethier - $49.99)
     * FrameMaker 7 (Thomas - $21.99)
     * Single Sourcing: Building Modular Documentation (Ament - $29.95)
     * Advanced FrameMaker (Ethier/Kern/Anderson/Aschwanden - $45.00)
     * Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy (Rockley 
- $39.99)
     * XML: Problem - Design - Solution (Amiano/D?Cruz/Ethier/Thomas - 
     * Introduction to DITA: A User Guide to the Darwin Information 
Typing Architecture (Linton/Bruski - $25.99)

Learn more: www.thecontentwrangler.com

Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist, The Content Wrangler, Inc.
abelsp at netdirect.net  *  941-359-3416  *  skype: abelsp

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