The way I do this is:

* distinguish books by part number
* one book file per part number
* unique for each book
* store all variables, conditional text settings, and colors in
* use variables for book-level changes, like titles in the footer, etc.
* use conditional text for parts of a "shared" chapter that should or
should not appear.
* use color settings with conditional text for editing purposes

With this method, I do have to re-apply variables and conditional text
settings every time I re-generate a book, but to me this is a minor

Hijack: I have a book that excludes some chapters if it goes out to
customers (external version). The drawback to this is that I have to
re-set some chapter numbering settings when I re-generate the internal
version. Does anyone have a better way?


Joe Malin
Technical Writer
jmalin at
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-----Original Message-----
[ at] On Behalf
Of Shmuel Wolfson
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 7:36 AM
To: Framers
Subject: Using the same chapters for several books

Could anyone give me a brief overview of how to use the same chapters 
for several books, or the right terminology to find this in the online

Shmuel Wolfson

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