----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces+rshelton=opentext.com at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces+rshelton=opentext.com at lists.frameusers.com]On
> Behalf Of AJ Coots
> Let me re-phrase the question:  Has anyone here used Madcap Flare? 

I've used Flare's trial version and am now a tester of their Version2

We're researching potential replacements for RoboHelp to create online
help. We generate chms now.

Flare Help says it can also output source as MS Word and FrameMaker
formats. I don't know the quality of those outputs, but if you download
a trial version of Flare, you can test it out.

My experience so far with the Chm output, RoboHelp project conversion,
and Flare in general has been positive.

Hope that helps.


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