Is FrameMaker able to manage multi-level notes?
With each note level defined by its own numbering tag and
paragraph format.

What I didn't manage to get is a set of footnotes looking like:

1.  level 1 note (notes from the author)

2.  another level 1 note
a.  level 2 note (notes from the reader)

b.  another level 2 note

If FrameMaker can't easily manage this, which software provide this
function with approximatly the same quality level than Frame?

Thank you for your help.
| R : Tu vois !                     || daniel Azuelos - Institut Pasteur
| | Q : Tu crois ?
| | | R : ?a casse l'ordre chronologique de l'?change.
| | | | Q : En quoi r?pondre au dessus est-il g?nant ?

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