Hi Roger,

We, too, are using a similar setup. As Mark points out, only one writer
can have a file checked out at a time. However, we (sort of) get around
this limitation by using VSS to keep a local copy of files on our own
machines. That way, we can set up our import references with the
appropriate relative paths and view the graphics in working files. To
make sure we are looking at the most current version, we try to let each
other know when we update graphics, and we also do a "Get Latest
Version" copy action periodically. 

Not perfect, but it works for us. 


-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: Help Needed Linking by Reference from SourceSafe

Hi Roger, 

We are on the same set up here (until we move to a DITA based CMS
solution). I'm afraid you can't get SourceSafe to work in the way you
want, due to the locks it puts on files that are checked out. As only
one person can have binary files checked out to their local drives at
any one time, other users would have to wait until they have they have
been checked in, then check them out themselves.

SourceSafe can handle multiple checkouts on ASCII files, but binary
files like graphic and Framemaker files are a no go I'm afraid.



-----Original Message-----
Subject: Help Needed Linking by Reference from SourceSafe

Hello everyone. I seldom post here but read the digests with great
interest. So, now I have a question.

Is there a way to keep a folder of graphic files in SourceSafe checked
in and import them by reference into FrameMaker? Our goal is for all of
our writers to share the same graphics files and when one writer had to
update the file, it would update for each of us.

We are using MS Visual SourceSafe 6.0 and FrameMaker 7.2. We have tried
to research this issue on the Internet and found nothing, so I though
someone on this group may be doing this now if it is possible at all.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 

Roger Bell

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