Just for the record, after some hours of frustrating guess-work, the 
filter ID AKA 'filter hint' of the 'new' RTF export filter was revealed 
to me. It's actually almost documented in the maker.ini file, but I 
suspect that I'm not the only who couldn't read between the lines.

'0001ADBIRTF '

There you are. ADBI is Adobe India. The hints from maker.ini:

;ClientName=ClientType, [facet, format_id, vendor_id, display_name, ]
; description, path, mode, optional file extension for filter
; when ClientType is filter type, facet, format_id, vendor_id and
; display_name are required.
; mode can be one of maker, structured, all.  it determines for which
; mode(s) to load this client.
; for example, RTF=TextImport, RTF, RTF, FAPI, RTF, Rich Text Format
; (RTF) Import, filters\rtfimprt.dll,all,^.rtf
Microsoft RTF1.6=ExportFilter, RTF, RTF, ADBI, Microsoft RTF1.6, RTF 
Export, filters\ExportUtility.dll, all, ^.rtf

The syntax of a filter hint is described in general on page 663, and the 
FS_SaveFileTypeHint is described on page 154 of the FDK Programmer's 
Reference (for FrameMaker7.0). A filter hint consists of 6 fields 
(without spaces between them):

record_vers vendor format_id platform filter_vers filter_name

The first 3 fields are each 4 bytes, space-padded if shorter than 4 
bytes; this 12-byte string is what's needed for F_ApiSave() and 
corresponding commands in e.g. FrameScript.

The only part missing from maker.ini is the 'record_vers', which is 
apparently always '0001'.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

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