Dear Frame Gurus

I have a fairly complex EDD out with end-users, and most of the bugs have been 
ironed out and things are working well. However, one element is still giving 
problems, an ordered list with nested child elements.

Without going into what might or might not be the problem, although it is 
entirely possible to create the required element structures using the EDD, the 
end users complain that 'strange things happen' with the problem element, and 
have proved it by sending me a crazy document fragment that is conceptually 
completely invalid, but which validates against the EDD.

All my formatting is done using paragraph formatting rules. I have messed with 
Show Element Context, but have not found it very useful and have not yet 
discovered what the main problem is. I just wondered whether any of you could 
point me in the direction of links, or techniques, for tackling this sort of 
situation? (I am still on Mac at the moment, so PC-specific plug-ins aren't 
available to me.)

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