Yea, turns out it was a format issue. I used a blank page for my title 
page, and Frame didn't like that. I got a suggestion off-list to import 
my formatting information, and when I did that, all was pretty much 
right with the world (except for a minor pagination issue).


Combs, Richard wrote:
> Ron Miller wrote: 
>> I have a book that was building just fine until I had the 
>> audacity to add a title page with a color logo. Now, when I 
>> build the book, I trigger all kinds of messages about the 
>> Print Color settings being off and the cross references no 
>> longer work. I'm a little surprised that a title page would 
>> cause this much fuss.
> Well, a little more info generally helps (FM version? OS? Is the title
> page a separate file? What do the messages say? What do you mean xrefs
> don't work?) 
> My guess is you've added a new FM file to your book that came from a
> different template or for some other reason has different color
> view/definition settings. Presumably, this new file comes first in your
> book, so FM judges every file after it to have "inconsistent settings."
> But it may be the new one you need to change -- figure out what's
> different, which one is right, and eliminate the difference. 
> I'm guessing your xref problem stems from FM's inability to silently
> open files in the background because of the color inconsistency problem
> (you have to interact with a dialog to open each file). Once you have
> all the files in the book open, you should be able to update it
> successfully. 
> Richard
> ------
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------

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