Hi Don,

It is an XSLT 1.0 processor; I think it is based on xalan.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing

> Hi,
> I'm trying to incorporate my XSL template into one of my Frame 
> Applications (in 7.2), but I'm getting a processor error that I didn't 
> get with Saxon.
> Is there information about the XSL processor in Frame 7.2 available?
> In the case of my application, it is choking on a 'replace' command:
> <xsl:attribute name="file"> <xsl:value-of select="$dirname" 
> /><xsl:value-of select="replace(.,'.swf','.tif')"/> </xsl:attribute>
> The error message is: "The function 'replace' was not found."
> Thanks,
> Don.
> -- 
> Don Rinderknecht -- KD5MVV
> Meteorologist Instructor/Developer ~ Warning Decision Training Branch
> Donald.M.Rinderknecht at noaa.gov ~ http://wdtb.noaa.gov

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